Chrysalis - The Journey So Far
Sometimes, the path we initially start out with, isn't the path meant for us. But unless we take it, we may not realize where we actually need to be.
The story of Chrysalis Salon and Beauty Supply starts out in a similar way. Chryselle Dias began her career as a stewardess for the well-reputed Emirates Airlines before switching over to the hair industry. At this time, she experienced various issues with her own hair health and styling but was unable to find suitable solutions. She knew and understood that hair issues were something everyone faced. Irrespective of gender, ethnicity, jobs, etc., stubborn hair issues follow everyone around. And Chryselle wanted this to change.
Her career as a stewardess at the time, meant that Chryselle got the opportunity to travel to various locations across the world. This allowed her to try different hair care products and understand how they worked and made a difference. With this knowledge, she further wanted to help those around her find solutions to hair issues they faced. And that's where her first steps into the hair care world began.
To put her knowledge of hair care into the real world, Chryselle set up her own salon in Dubai - UAE, which she ran for three years. Using the knowledge and expertise from this, she moved to Canada and took over Chrysalis Salon and Beauty Supply, a store operating since 2017.
Owning a hair care business might seem fun, but it isn't all smooth sailing. The onset of a global pandemic hit many businesses across the world. It forced them to either halt their operations or completely shut down. Operations at Chrysalis had to come to a temporary stop too. But this did not deter Chryselle in any way. She worked out a way to keep her business running and took the store online, ensuring that her customers could get the hair care they needed. And being able to do this successfully is one of the standout moments in her career, Chryselle says.
This pandemic has also brought about many lessons for Chrysalis. Most of it to do with making sure the business stayed afloat and continued to do so in uncertain times. "A large part of future planning is rooted in the lessons you’ve learned in the past. Looking back can help you avoid making repeat mistakes or show you the best way to approach a previously-faced challenge with better foresight. With COVID-19 turning to 2021 on its head, it’s safe to say that most of us have learned quite a number of lessons this year," says Chryselle. And making sure that the business remained up and running so that her team of stylists could come back to where they left off, was the biggest challenge that she is proud to have gotten through.
While owning a hair care store wasn't the path Chryselle initially took, it's the path that brought her to where she was needed. Her determination to find solutions to hair issues and help everyone around her, has made Chrysalis grow into a successful hair-care store, both online and offline. She believes that the more effort she puts in, the more growth her business will have. And this is a piece of advice she imparts to anyone looking to step foot into the beauty world.
Chrysalis, as a hair care store, has grown significantly under Chryselle's care. But her plans to keep building on the business doesn't stop here. Chryselle breaks down her future plan for Chrysalis into three things.
"Our Vision is to create a harmonious, productive, and profitable salon environment, supplying the community with a retail center.
Our Mission is having fun doing business by sharing the passion of hair care needs.
Our Goal is to make Chrysalis Salon and Beauty Supply a well-recognised Franchise in Canada."
With the dedication to provide the best hair care solutions to customers, the journey of Chrysalis has been one of growth. And with Chryselle and a team of talented stylists backing it, there's only the upwards ladder to keep climbing ahead.
Contact us:
Instagram: chrysalissalonandbeautysupply
Call us: +14164062646